Knitted Sisters

Two sisters blog about knitting, crochet and whatever else catches our fancy...

Monday, April 02, 2007

Surprise in the Mail...Yay!

I got a surprise in the mail last week...a box of bibs!

Now, since I don't have any children and am not planning on having any children, besides present and future furkids, this may seem a little odd, but it was the best surprise! Barb has been secretly working on these bibs for us to sell at the Heartland Rabbit Rescue craft fair this past weekend.

Project Spectrum: Green, Yellow, Pink

We sold 8 of the 17 bibs for $5 each, which is pretty good since it was kind of slow and we had competition from the Medieval Fair. All in all, it was a good day and we have another craft fair in the middle of April, so hopefully all of the bibs will find a baby to love them. How will anyone be able to resist with the Guardian of the Moneybox modeling them for everyone to be enchanted by the cuteness?

And check out these tags that Barb made for the bibs, which are really cute and have all the Heartland info on them. Thanks, Barb!


At April 02, 2007, Blogger Amber said...

Those are sooooo cute! Love the little tags, too. I'm willing to pay $5 to help the bunnies and get a cute bib. Save an extra cute one for me.

At April 02, 2007, Blogger Meg said...

What color do you yellow, or green? Wait, hey...these are the Project Spectrum colors! What a nice coincidence!

At April 02, 2007, Blogger Amber said...

Hey, no fair! You've already got your project spectrum picture done! And you didn't have to do anything! And ummm...I want a green one.

At April 04, 2007, Blogger RisaJ said...

Those bibs are so cute!!!

At April 08, 2007, Blogger Prayerful Knitter - Shelly said...

What a great gift to the rescue!

We've missed you at knitting lately. I hope everything is OK. The weather has certainly been exciting lately, so I'm sure that has been keeping you busy. ; )

Have a great upcoming week.


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